Find a Dentist in Torrington

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Found 1 Dentists in Torrington. - Search dentists by postcode
Torrington Dental Practice
Tarka House. Torrington. EX38 8DY
☎  01805623657
Page:  '1' 

Search NHS Dentists in Torrington

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Torrington Dental Practices

Searching for a dentist in Torrington? Your search ends here! Whether it's a regular oral check-up or a specific dental matter, discovering a dentist in Torrington is simple. Begin by utilising the search listings above to locate dental surgeries in Torrington, complete with contact information, opening hours, details about available dental services, scheduling dental appointments, and also check which dentists are currently accepting new patients in Torrington.

Dentist In Torrington

A dental practitioner in Torrington is a specialized healthcare professional equipped to cater to your unique oral care requirements. Whether you need regular dental check-ups, oral hygiene guidance, or treatments for various dental conditions, a dentist in Torrington can attend to your needs with expertise. They possess the skills to diagnose and manage a diverse range of oral health issues. By fostering an enduring patient-dentist connection, a dentist in Torrington becomes a dependable partner in maintaining your oral well-being. Through their care, you can strive for a healthy smile and prevent potential dental concerns down the road.

Register With a Dentist in Torrington

To enroll with a dentist in Torrington, utilise to locate nearby dental practices that meet with your requirements. Reach out to the chosen practice to inquire if they are accepting new patients and about the registration process. Complete the required forms accurately and submit them to the practice. Upon approval, the dental practice will confirm your successful registration. When visiting the practice for the first time, remember to bring the necessary identification documents. By following these steps, you can smoothly register with a NHS dentist in Torrington taking new patients and access the dental care services you require.

Emergency Dentist Torrington

If you find yourself in need of an Emergency Dentist in Torrington or an out-of-hours dentist in Torrington, it's important to know that dental services are accessible for both urgent and routine treatments. If you're already registered with a dentist, don't hesitate to reach out via phone to inquire about emergency appointments. In urgent situations, your first step should be to contact NHS 111. Their dedicated professionals can guide you to an Emergency Dentist in Torrington, ensuring you receive timely and appropriate care. Whether you're seeking an Emergency Dentist in Torrington open now or facing a dental crisis at any hour, NHS 111 is there to connect you with the help you require.

For out-of-hours dentists in Torrington, if you are already registered with an NHS dentist, you can contact a dentist after hours; their voicemail might contain information about out-of-hours treatment options. Alternatively, if you are not already registered with a dentist, you can call NHS 111, who can help identify Torrington out-of-hours dental services that can cater to your needs.

Regarding charges, an urgent dental treatment costs £25.80, unless you qualify for free NHS dental treatment. If follow-up treatment is required, it's considered a separate course of non-urgent care and may incur a relevant charge.

You can find a list of Torrington Dental practices and Doctors surgeries on the NHS Digital website. Use NHS 111 online ( or call NHS 111 if you think you need any dental or medical help right now. For immediate, life-threatening emergencies call 999.

Dentists In Torrington FAQs

How many dentists are there in Torrington?
A total of 1 dental practices are available in Torrington. Utilise to effortlessly locate a dentist in Torrington, schedule a dental appointment, or find the contact information of dentists in Torrington.
How to register with a Dentist in Torrington?
To register with a dentist in Torrington, check if a dentist is accepting patients and then simply visit your local NHS dentist, complete the registration form, and provide the necessary identification and proof of address documents.
What should I do when I have a dental emergency in Torrington?
In case of a dental emergency in Torrington outside regular hours, contact an out-of-hours dentist promptly by calling NHS 111 for assistance who can guide you to a near by emergency dentist in Torrington.